Click on the title to see interviews with actors and some audience members!
Lika Berning (Liefling) and Bobby van Jaarsveld (Jan) walking down the carpet.
Bobby van Jaarsveld (Jan); Annetjie Rheeders and Lika Berning (Liefling) getting themselves ready to watch the movie. In the seats behind is Emma Kruger (Executive Producer) and wife of Producer Paul Kruger, with their two daughters who also feature in the film.
Ons gaan agter die skerms van "Liefling" en gesels met sommige van die akteurs.
We go behind the scenes of "Liefling" and talk with some of the actors.
Ons vertel meer oor "Liefling", die nuwe Afrikaanse fliek wat 19 November vrygestel word.
We talk more about 'Liefling', the new Afrikaans movie which will be released on 19 November.